Explore your future with scientific methods.

The career test modules within the Tercih Analizi performs a combined analysis of the individual's personality interests, traits, prestige, and value, presenting a report of the most suitable occupational fields based on the ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education) codes. The ISCED codes are developed by UNESCO and represent a universally recognized system of occupational codes.

The career test consists of three main stages. Based on our assessments, completion of these stages takes an average of 20 minutes for those who have used our modules.

Purpose and Scope

Choosing a university department is one of the most important decisions that affects the future lives of individuals. Although it may not be considered as a career choice, it involves at least the consumption of time and other resources for a 4-5 year education worldwide. Furthermore, the rapidly increasing diversity of professions and changing occupational and educational requirements also make it necessary for individuals who have to make a decision on career choice to seek professional assistance. The unique requirements and working conditions of each profession are reflected in different psychological characteristics such as abilities, interests, and values. Therefore, the individual, organizational, and public benefits of making the right choice are well known to everyone. A healthy choice is only possible if the individual knows themselves and their options well.

Additionally, the current undergraduate education system is based primarily on measurement of academic achievement to limited extents and with limitations related to reliability and validity issues.

University applicants must make their major selection without going through a comprehensive evaluation process that includes their interests, values, and abilities. Some existing career support systems only evaluate individuals based on a single characteristic or using measurement tools that are not supported by reliability and validity.

The fundamental issue in this matter is the interpretation of the assessment results, even if an assessment is carried out. In other words, the meaning of the score obtained from a measuring tool for the individual making the choice cannot be known. The limitations of the current higher education system in this regard are primarily based on the assessment of academic achievement only, which also contains reliability and validity problems. University applicants are forced to make this choice without undergoing a comprehensive evaluation process that includes their interests, values, and abilities. Some existing career support systems only perform the evaluation based on a single feature or using measuring tools that lack reliability and validity.

With this study, we aimed to create an evaluation system that can realize the benefits listed.

Developing a reliable and accurate measurement tool that can evaluate an individual's interest and abilities from their distinguishable personal characteristics.
Making the measurement tool easily accessible and widely used by considering its ease of use and effect, by making it available on an online platform.
Develop a system that allows for a match to the ISCED for meaningful use of the results obtained from the measurement tool.
Our aim is to support this system with a visual structure, considering the ease of interpretation.

Theoretical Infrastructure

The approach of Holland's (1997) personality types has been selected to create the infrastructure of the system. Holland's theory of personality types is one of the most widely used theories in vocational assessment (Gottfredson, 1999) and is the most comprehensive and influential theory of occupational interest (Tracey and Gupta, 2008). The Strong Interest Inventory, Self-Directed Search Scale (SDS) and UNIACT are some of the most commonly used scales in career counseling based on the same approach as Holland's personality types (Armstrong, Allison, and Rounds, 2008). One of the advantages of the theory over many other theories is that it is a practical theory that has been developed since the beginning of its development and has been revised several times based on feedback from applications (Gottfredson, 1999). Other factors that make Holland's theory of personality types so widely accepted include its widespread use in directing careers by many organizations and institutions (Laurence, 2004), its examination and revision through over 100 studies conducted by researchers in 1959, 1966, 1973, 1985, and 1997 (Gottfredson, 1999), and its status as the most researched occupational choice theory abroad (Harrington and Feller, 2004).

The theory of Holland (Holland, 1997) consists of a few simple ideas and more complex components. First, people can be classified based on how much they resemble one of six personality types (Realistic, Investigative, Creative, Social, Entrepreneurial, Conventional). People who show a high degree of similarity to one type are likely to exhibit personality traits and behaviors associated with that type. Second, people's living and working environments can be described based on one of six environmental models (Realistic, Investigative, Creative, Social, Entrepreneurial, Conventional) that resemble it. Finally, by matching individuals and environments, procedures can be made based on information related to personality types and environmental models. These procedures may include career choice, occupational commitment and success, educational choice and success, self-efficacy, social behavior and sensitivity to influence.